The famous denial...- I am being able inside of me to know if something is true to me or not, therefore I can say NO to something when I see or feel that it's NO and I should be able to be respected in my decision. And we think that everyone has this capacity inside of them. Unfortunately right now there seems to be some kind of a fashion when whenever we say NO to something it's automatically takened as us being in a state of denial, like if we would deny the plain truth, like if we don't want or can't see it, like if they were the only truth bearers. And this is automatic, no matter who it is and what happened. What a great way to manipulate our minds and to crush us even more with their
own visions of things, And if your beliefs differ from what they're saying they will say that you minimize and/or banalize the facts... Again, what a great way not to listen or consider what you're saying, and not respect you in any way about your beliefs and opinions. They have the last word. Another automation.They are so used to see the negative point of views, remember, they work in a clinical environment, that they don't seem to see that there's always two sides to a medal... The subject of sex is very complex, and it cannot be cut with a knife, being either black or white. Right now no distinction is being made, or not much, and where no debate is possible for anyone. The word "abuse" is being, well, abused of right now, and it's being used for all and everything with no distinction whatsoever. We don't think life works like that, and we think it's important for us to be able to totally and freely express ourselves without ANY fear whatsoever, and remember, this is one of the most basic Human Rights. |