Table II

Correlates and Reactions for Early Sexual Contacts with Adults - College Samples

a Type and number of contacts arc listed as follows:
Mm = boys' contacts with adult men,
Fm = boys' contact with adult women,
Mf = girls' contacts with adult men,
Ff = girls' contacts with adult womcn.

b Number of participants reporting experiences.

c Number of experiences reported by participants.

d Ratings: 1 = positive, 5 = negative.


Types of contacts reported a

Short-term reactions

Long-term reactions









Condy et al. (1987) - 57 b - - Good = 51%
Mix    = 12%
Bad    = 25%


Good = 37%
None = 28%
Mixed = 9%
Bad    = 16%


Finkelhor (1979) 19 b 4 112 7 Pos & neut = 62%
Neg = 38%
Pos & neut = 34%
Neg = 66%
Ratings =
3.2 (friend)
4.0 (stranger) d
Ratings = 4.0 (friend, stranger) d
Fisher (1991) 15 c 10 59 0



Liking = 28%;
no stress then or now = 21%
Liking = 5%;
no stress [then] or now = 7%
Fritz et al. (1981) 8 b 12 38 4



10% reported problems 23% reported problems
Fromuth and Burkhart (1987) 26 c 76 - - Pos   = 53%
Neut = 30%
Neg  = 18%


Pos   = 39%
Neut = 46%
Neg  = 15%


Goldman and Goldman (1988) 19 c 21 179 9 Pos  = 39%
Neut = 32%
Neg = 30%
Pos  = 17%
Neut = 16%
Neg = 68%
Rating = 3.3 d Rating = 
4.2 d 
Hartfield (1987) 5 b 19 - -



No difference vs. controls


w/both = 2
Haugaard and Emery (1989) Both 21 b Both = 80



Very pos then & now = 33% Very pos then & now = 4%
Landis (1956) 181 c 35 523 8 Pos  = 6%
Neut = 33%
Neg = 46%
Pos  = 2%
Neut= 15%
Neg = 76%
No harm=81%
Temporary = 19%
Temporary = 30%
Permanent = 3%
Li et al. (1993) 45 b 33 - - Pos, neut:
Mm = 59%
Fm = 83%


Hardly any reported lasting effects (only 1or 2)


O'Neill (1990) 39 c 10 76 9 Pos   =41%
Neut = 8%
Neg  = 45%
Pos   =10%
Neut = 6%
Neg  = 82%
Pos & neut = 56%
Neg = 44%
Pos & neut = 31%
Neg = 69%
Predieri (1991) 13 b 14 - - Felt victimized: 
not at all = 48%
quite/very = 35%


No difference vs. controls


Risin & Koss (1987) 115 b 92 - -



Felt victimized:
no/a little = 43 to 81%;
quite/very = 6 to 41%


w/both = 9
Sarbo (1989) Both = 24 b Both = 62



No difference vs. controls for males or females


Schultz & Jones (1983) Both 40 b
(at least 35 with males)
Both = 70 (9 or less with females) Pos   = 68%
Neut = 24%
Neg  = 8%
Pos   = 28%
Neut= 30%
Neg = 52%
Pos   = 61%
Neut = 30%
Neg  = 9%
Pos  = 25%
Neut= 28%
Neg = 47%
Urquiza (1988) 35 b 16 - - Pos   = 38%
Neut = 26%
Neg  = 32%


Pos   = 15%
Neut = 34%
Neg  = 47%
